This week wraps up my first course within my User Experience Design program, and although we focused on color, the skill that stuck with me the most is what happened outside of the project. In an ideal world, we can predict our day to day life just like we can predict the ebb and flow of a project for a client. Of course, neither of these is possible, so when life gets crazy, and things change, how do you adjust?
At the end of the day, our clients pay the same for our work, whether our life is falling apart or running smoothly. We need to be able as professionals in our field to take the hits and not allow them to affect our work. This is a vital skill not learned in the classroom but results from living life in the professional field.
On the flip side, we do, however, need to give ourselves a little 'grace' when life unravels. Learn to ask for help, and know that every designer needs some downtime to reboot. I leave you with one of my favorite quotes.
"You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have." Maya Angelou